You know how you go and get a shawarma and there are delicious pink pickled things on it -- those are pickled turnip, and I love them! Can't get enough of them. There is only one problem with them, the grocery stores that I regularly visit NEVER carry them.
What is one to do?? Sit and sulk? No, what ones does is figure out how to make them! That way all homemade shawarma, gyros and even salads can have a never ending topping of pickled turnips!
Step #1 - remember to get the turnip and beets at the grocery store... it took me a few trips before I remembered.
Pickled Turnip
Ingredients - about 5 turnips, 1 beet, garlic, vinegar, salt and water.
Peel the turnips.
Then cut the into smaller than "french fry" size. Think of your sandwich and then think if the size you want them.
Next take your beet and peel the skin then cut unto chunks. It is at this point your fingers will start to turn red.
I added garlic, because garlic is good. And why not?
While the vinegar, water and salt come to a boil, stuff the jars with the turnip adding a beet and garlic here and there. You can see the beets start to "bleed" right away.
Here we have the two jars full. Into the fridge they go.
Here they are about 5 days later... Good enough to eat already!
And about a week and a half later they are good to go!
5 small turnips
1 beet
3 or 4 cloves of garlic
1 3/4 cup water
1/2 cup vinegar
2 tsp kosher salt
Heat the vinegar, water and salt over medium heat, just until it comes to a boil. In the meantime peel and cut the turnip into match stick size, peel and cut the beet into chunks and peel the garlic and chop in half.
Start layering the turnip into the jars. Divide the beets and garlic evenly between the jars and the layers. Add the hot liquid to the turnips, put in fridge and wait... and wait... and wait a little longer. After about 10 days they will be ready.
And they are just so, so YUM!!